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林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》无损音乐专辑百度云mp3下载

时间:2021-11-20 16:31作者:321无损音乐  阅读:

林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》上线了,据悉这首歌只耗费了五个小时就创作完成了哦,并且还是一如既往的那么好听。两人在2020年和2021年双双陆续晋升中英双语歌手,日前在社交媒体无预警公布年末惊喜合作,引发各地粉丝热论。两人希望用纯粹的歌声和世界共同语言,陪伴世界各地每个正在经历艰辛时刻的听众,点燃生命的希望。(文末有资源

两人希望用纯粹的歌声和世界共同语言,透过新歌“At Least I Had You”陪伴世界各地每个正在经历艰辛时刻的听众,点燃生命的希望。新歌描述着通往未知前方,感到旁徨无措且充满荆棘的路上,庆幸着曾经相识,彼此拥有的那分感谢。

林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》无损音乐专辑百度云mp3下载

曾数度在公开访问中分享林俊杰的音乐为自己所带来的影响,这次的合作对于Gentle Bones而言彷佛“美梦成真”一样。以崇拜已久的粉丝角度听到偶像有兴趣参与合作,Gentle Bones分享当下难忘心情:“JJ是我生命中的英雄之一。我一直以来都是他的超级粉丝。他的作品一直都很前卫,他真的很有才。听到他愿意合作的当下,我其实蛮不敢相信的。直到开始录音,从耳机听到陪伴着我一起成长的歌声,出现在自己的歌中,感觉很奇妙。”

JJ也表示他对Gentle Bones音乐作品的欣赏:“我听了他的几首demo后瞬间被圈粉,立刻告诉我的同事,我真的很喜欢他的音乐。”

提到新歌对自己的意义,JJ说这是一首献给世界上每一个人的歌曲。“一听到这首歌的时候,我可以感受到歌曲中充满着一股很强的正能量。”新歌描述无论如何面对艰辛的时刻,我们仍然能透过音乐,还有彼此之间得到慰藉。Gentle Bones也补充说明:“我觉得每个人都累积了不同生命经验。当我们回首一切,会发现真正影响着生活的,就是人与人之间的关系。”

默契绝佳的两人在初次见面的过程会议,仅在五小时内完成创作和录制工作。回想首次与JJ见面创作的经验,Gentle Bones笑说:“创作的过程非常顺利。JJ很暖,对于我提的意见也保持很开放的态度。我当下真的非常紧张,也很兴奋。写歌对JJ而言是一件很自然的事,他立刻就可以发现有什么地方可以加强,提出解决方案。”JJ也说:“过程很好玩,我们一起尝试不同可能性,讨论如何能写出一首属于我们两个的歌。我很开心成品很棒。”

问及合作后的感想,Gentle Bones说:“他是很善良谦虚,而且很真的人。JJ无疑是我最喜欢的歌手之一,而且非常难得能够有机会和自己追随那么久,那么喜爱的歌手合作。”JJ对Gentle Bones也赞誉有加:“一开始听会感受到他的温柔和感性,过后发现他的音乐是一种文静但刚强的最佳代表,是一种我很想提倡的音乐风格。”

At Least I Had You - Gentle Bones 林俊杰
Lyrics by:Josh Wei/Joel Tan/JJ Lin/Myra Choo
Composed by:JJ Lin/Joel Tan/Josh Wei/Myra Choo
Better to be lonely
Cooler to be empty
Why the hell is this even going on
They don't even know you
Saying what you should do
Where the hell are they even coming from
We're wishing upon the stars for meaning
Then listing every reason
For being here
We can't lose any hope
Overthinking each day
And losing sleep on the way
When I'm old and I'm gray
Will this be how it all stays
Don't know what I can do
You might just feel the same too
But if it all came crashing down tonight
At least I had you in my life
You're the most unlikely
To be the one beside me
How the hell are you even holding on
Let this be for you a toast
Celebrating you the most
Who the hell am I even when you're gone
We're wishing upon the stars for meaning
Then listing every reason
For being here
We can't lose any hope
Overthinking each day
And losing sleep on the way
When I'm old and I'm gray
Will this be how it all stays
Don't know what I can do
You might just feel the same too
But if it all came crashing down tonight
At least I had you in my life
And time is ticking away we
Don't have all day
So hold my hand and let's run no
Other way
Cos I know we'll be just fine and
I won't deny
Now you're by my side
I'm scared to close my eyes
Overthinking each day
And losing sleep on the way
When I'm old and I'm gray
Will this be how it all stays
Don't know what I can do
You might just feel the same too
But if it all came crashing down tonight
At least I had you in my life
In my life
At least I had you

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